April is a month of renewal, and its birth flowers are no exception. Those born in April have two birth flowers to choose from: the Daisy and the Sweet Pea.
THE DAISY April Birth Flowers
Humble and charming, April’s signature flower, the Daisy, represents youth and purity. Some descriptive names for the Daisy include Mary’s flower of God, Moonflower, Saint John’s flower, Moon pennies, Mary’s Star, and priest’s collar. It is also associated with the sun, suggesting warmth and life. Bouquets of daisies can be the perfect gesture for many occasions, depending on their colour and variety.
The Sweet Pea is a fragrant flower with a soft, sweet scent that symbolises delicate pleasure, blissful joy, and thankfulness. It is known for its beauty and grace, making it an excellent April birthday flower.
Daisies are one of the most infamous flowers around the world. When you picture a daisy, you typically imagine the common Daisy is iconic for its classic white petals and a bright yellow centre. Yet there are well over 20,000 species of Daisies that all go by the same name and also represent this month. Their hardy nature, long vase life, and sturdy stem make the Daisy an unbeatable cut flower.
The Daisy is a classic flower often seen as a symbol of renewal and hope. Enjoyed and admired for centuries. Though initially popular in Europe and temperate regions of Asia, daisies were eventually introduced to North America and Australia. Today they are found on every continent except Antarctica, and many varieties are native to different countries. Their abundance is largely due to their ability to adapt to their surroundings, allowing daisies to thrive in dry and wet climates. They adapt well to shady or sunny areas and grow equally as well on flat, grassy fields or high in the mountains. Daisies are botanical chameleons. Most daisies bloom in early summer and continue through the fall. The common Daisy is also called the Bellis Perennis. It is a perennial flower that usually has white, pink, or red petals with round, green leaves.

The ever-popular Gerbera daisy or Gerbera Jamesonii is sometimes also referred to as the Transvaal daisy. It is native to South Africa and was discovered in 1878 by Robert Jameson. The Gerbera daisy typically blooms in various colours, including yellow, pink, purple, orange, yellow, red, and white, with black centres. Some are bicoloured, with bright shades and double-bloomed. Their thick, strong stems and exceptional vase life, typically lasting up to 10 days, make them suitable for cut arrangements. Other popular daisies include the coneflowers, Shasta and Bellis daisies, African daisies, gloriosa daisies, and marguerites.
Then there is the English daisy, also known as a ‘lawn daisy,’ as it typically forms a low-growing carpet of daisies. Its smaller blossoms and many petals often form a pompom-like feathered texture. Available in Pink, Red, and White, and sometimes a combo of these colours, they typically have a yellow centre and should not be confused with the edible Daisy as they are toxic to humans. The rarest Daisy is the Inyo rock, Daisy. This rare wildflower is only found at the highest elevations of the southern Inyo Mountains, which lie between the Eastern Sierra and Death Valley National Park in California.
As a flower, daisies symbolise simplicity, purity, youth, patience, and loyalty. The classic white Daisy is largely associated with humility, while the rare blue Marguerite daisy hints at openness and peace.
Daisies have been known to grow among the flowers in ancient Egyptian temple gardens as early as 2,200 B.C. These gardens typically accommodated various plants and flowers cultivated for their medicinal and herbal properties.
In Norse mythology, the Daisy is considered a sacred flower from the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. Because of this, daisies came to symbolise motherhood, childbirth, and new beginnings, making them the perfect choice in a bouquet sent to welcome a new baby.
Christian legend tells of the Wise Men on their journey to find the Baby Jesus. They requested a sign to help them and suddenly noticed small clusters of small, white, ox-eye daisies near a stable. Recognising the flower’s resemblance to the star of Bethlehem, they knew they had found the Holy Family.
The common name daisy originates from the Anglo-Saxon phrase ‘Daes eage,’ which translates to “day’s eye.” The name reflects how these flowers close their petals each evening and reopen them every morning, making daisies some of the first to open their eyes to the morning sun.
Except for the English daisy, which is toxic to humans, Daisies are an edible flower closely related to artichokes. During medieval times, they maintained a key role in the field of medicine. They were widely used to slow bleeding, relieve indigestion and soothe coughs, as they are a great source of vitamin C.
The Daisy is also thought to be named for their ability to cure eye problems. King Henry VIII of England was known to eat daisies on a regular basis during his later life to help alleviate the pain of his stomach ulcers. He also suffered from fever and gout, which daisies were thought to treat. From the 13th century, many physicians also believed daisies had significant healing properties and applied a compound made from daisies when treating wounds.
Despite their medicinal benefits, daisies became a symbol of one’s ability to keep a secret in the Victorian Era. During these times, it became customary for young ladies to slowly pluck the petals one by one while simultaneously reciting, “He loves me, he loves me not…’ until the very last petal revealed their fate. Today this is still a well-known form of fun fortune-telling.
Remove foliage from the stems that sit below the water line. Then fill your vase with warm water at about 38°C. Use filtered or distilled if your tap water runs through a water softener. Hold the end of each stem under water, cutting at a 45° angle, 2 cm from the bottom. Allow the stems to sit hydrate in water for 20 minutes to protect them from bacteria buildup. We recommend replacing the vase water daily to prevent a drooped flower head caused by bacteria clogging the stem. It will also help to extend the life of your flower arrangement.

THE SECONDARY April Birth Flowers

Sweet peas are among the most lovely, luscious and beautifully scented cut flowers. They have a short-vase life, lasting around 4 to 5 days. Native to Southern Italy, Sicily and Cyprus, a Sicilian monk reportedly sent the first sweet pea seeds to England in the 17th century. They became popular in the late-Victorian era after being cultivated by Henry Eckford. Unlike garden peas, sweet pea seeds are poisonous, and caution is advised, especially around pets and small children.
No matter which of April’s birth flowers you choose, you’ll send a message of love and happiness to someone special. Whether you’re sending a bouquet of Daisies or a pot of Sweet Peas, these gifts will bring a smile to a loved one’s face.
Wondering what other birth flowers mean? Take a look at our birth month flower guides to learn more
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