September’s birth flowers are the aster and morning glory.

THE ASTER September Birth Flowers

The Aster, known as starworts or frost flowers, symbolises powerful love, affection and wisdom. Available in many colours, asters provide a pop of colour as summer turns to autumn. Like the Aster, the morning glory, a fast-growing vine, has long been a symbol of undying and unrequited love. The flower petals open in the morning to show off their beautiful, star-like centres, giving it its name.


The name aster means “star” in Greek, which refers to its star-like flowers. Today estimates of between 250 and 350 species grow worldwide. Their daisy-like thin petals come in colours ranging from white and yellow to purple, pink, red, and blue, radiating from a white or yellow centre. A few years ago, the Aster was recategorised, resulting in almost all North American “asters” being reclassified as Symphyotrichum. True Asters true are now almost exclusively native to Europe and Asia.

Bright pink aster daisy with yellow centre
bunch of small blue aster daisies to celebrate the September birth month flower
September birth flower yellow aster daisy

The Aster Flower in History

Often given on 20th wedding anniversaries, Aster flowers are considered to be the zodiac flower for Virgos. Their start-like quality makes asters the floral symbol of wisdom, devotion, friendships, and aspirations. Purple asters are considered a royal colour and a symbol of wisdom. At the same time, red is a sign of passion and devotion, white asters represent innocence, and pink symbolises love and kindness. Greek mythology pinpoints Aster’s beginning from the tears of the goddess Astraea. In ancient Greek and Roman times, asters were burned to ward off snakes and evil spirits and were considered the sacred flowers of the gods.

The Aster was part of a revolution in Hungary just after World War I. Known as the Aster Revolution, demonstrators took to the streets of Budapest wearing asters in their hats. The New England aster plant was also used for medicinal purposes, to treat respiratory issues, headaches, hangovers and epilepsy.


Asters make exceptional cut filler flower with their multi-branched flowering stems and desirable colours. As with most cut flowers, change the water every other day and remove any leaves that fall off to keep your vase clean and fresh. With proper care, you should be able to enjoy your asters for around seven to 14 days.

September birth month Aster daisy arrangement

THE SECONDARY September Birth Flowers

blue Morning Glory flowers in September

The Morning Glory

Morning glories grow on vines with a unique daily schedule. The flowers open each morning and close by the afternoon. The blue and purple flowers are instantly recognisable, but morning glories also appear in reds, pinks and whites. They have five large petals that form a trumpet-like shape, making them attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. Their large, heart-shaped leaves resemble the foliage of a sweet potato.

Morning glories are toxic and should never be eaten or used for culinary purposes. The seeds of some species are also known to contain a small amount of hallucinogenics.

Morning Glory Meanings and Symbolism

Morning glories are said to be associated with an unrequited or undying love. Each colour holds a different meaning: blue represents enduring love, desire, and power; purple symbolises wealth, grace and hopefulness; red means strength and passion; pink is a sign of gratitude and energy; white, like many other flowers, symbolises purity and innocence.


Wondering what other birth flowers mean? Take a look at our birth month flower guides to learn more

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